UZUROCKS challenges ourselves to create a brand
that can have a positive impact while meeting the diverse needs of consumers.
Develop differentiated products that capture the brand's original values and messages,
and create synergy by linking commerce with high-quality new media content.
FLEMING - A beauty brand that studies a better life
It constantly researches and develops new raw materials and products
that can improve the lives of consumers, not just skin care.
GANGNAM FARMERS - F&B Brand with health and freshness
Connect healthy and fresh food selected according to high
standards and principles to producers and consumers
through various new media platforms.
UZULOUNGE - Theme Park of desire
It provides an experience to communicate with uzurocks
in offline spaces, and creates community spaces and contents
with creators and brands.
UMX - Uzrocks Music Xound
Produce sophisticated and trendy sound sources optimized
for new media platforms and propose customized solutions
through original sound source production.